** Menu Change** Wednesday (2/22) instead of Beef Nachos we will be having Beef Tacos.

Thank you to all of our families who have supported our fundraisers to purchase this amazing new piece of equipment at Blackstone. Our students are loving this addition to our playground!

Today is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. Thank you to the Mendota Police Department for all you do for our community. Mrs. O'Sadnick's students made thank you cards for the MPD. In addition, they are providing them a soup lunch today because we think they are "SOUP-er!"

Congratulations to our December principal award winners. They enjoyed a pizza lunch today to celebrate!

YMCA Basketball

Reminder that there is no school for Mendota #289 students on Tuesday, November 8th.
Recordatorio de que no hay escuela para Mendota #289 estudiantes en martes 8 de noviembre.

Here are some photos from Wednesday and Thursday of Red Ribbon Week.
Wednesday Boots and Hats
Thursday Hawaiian

Check out some of these adorable photos from Day 2 of Red Ribbon Week!

Our first day of Red Ribbon Week was so much fun! Look at some of our proud students wearing their neon and bright clothes.

Don't forget that Blackstone's picture day is tomorrow!

Catch up with the latest student stories, events,
and news updates. It's everything Mendota #289, in your
pocket. If you haven't already, download the app!
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3PeONbi
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3PfgQHZ

Catch up with the latest student stories, events,
and news updates. It's everything Mendota #289, in your
pocket. If you haven't already, download the app!
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3PeONbi
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3PfgQHZ

We are loving our new app! Access documents,
news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from
your pocket.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3PeONbi
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3PfgQHZ

Mendota Elementary #289 would like to welcome our new teachers to the district. Some are new to us while others are starting a new role within the district. Front Row (from L→R) Presley Fisher and Amanda Foltynewicz. Second Row (from L→R) Steve Wasmer, Lynette Piller, and Elizabeth Ash. Third Row (from L→R) Susan Hoffman, Sloane Barnes, Mackenzie Tillman, and Alexis Pond. Back Row (from L→R) Melissa Blum, Missy Krull, and Chris Hansen. Not pictured: Eli Medina. We hope all these teachers and the rest of the staff at M289 have an amazing start to the school year.

We're thrilled to announce the new app for
Mendota #289! It's everything Mendota #289, in your
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3PeONbi
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3PfgQHZ

Blackstone School is currently scheduling kindergarten orientation times for Friday, August 26th. If you haven't called the school yet to set up your child's time, please call our office at 539-6888 and we will get you on the schedule.

K-5 Classroom Lists are now live. You can find them on each school's homepage or by following the links below.

K-5 Classroom Lists are now live. You can find them on each school's homepage or by following the links below.
https://www.m289.org/o/blackstone/page/classroom-assignments https://www.m289.org/o/lincoln/page/classroom-assignments https://www.m289.org/o/northbrook/page/5th-grade-class-assignments

Classroom assignments for our K-5 students will be posted tomorrow (Friday, August 5th) at noon. You will be able to find the rosters on each building’s website as well as on the main entrance to each building.
Las asignaciones de clases para nuestros estudiantes de K-5 se publicarán mañana (viernes 5 de agosto) al mediodía. Podrá encontrar las listas en el sitio web de cada escuela, así como en la entrada principal de cada una de las escuelas.