For Blackstone's October kind deed, our students made fliers to spread the message about the dangers of drugs. This week during Red Ribbon Week, Sullivans is so kind to put our fliers in their grocery bags. We hope our community members enjoy our positive messages and colorful fliers. Thank you Sullivans!
over 1 year ago, Mendota #289
Mrs. Reuter's Class
Next Week (October 23rd-27th) is Red Ribbon week in our schools. Attached are all of the dress up days for Red Ribbon Spirit Week.
over 1 year ago, Elyssa Albers
Next Week (October 23rd-27th) is Red Ribbon week in our schools. Attached are all of the dress up days for Red Ribbon Spirit Week.
over 1 year ago, Elyssa Albers
Just a reminder that all Club's Choice Fundraiser orders are due by Monday, October 16th. See the attached flyer for additional information about online ordering, order pick up, and how we plan to use the proceeds from this fundraiser. We appreciate your ongoing support of our students in District 289.
over 1 year ago, Elyssa Albers
Our Club's Choice Fundraiser kicks off today! Students will be bringing home order forms and more information.
over 1 year ago, Elyssa Albers
District 289 Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up October 17th and 19th. See the posted information below. We can't wait to see you! ❤️💛💙
over 1 year ago, Elyssa Albers
September 28th was "National Good Neighbor Day." All of our students at Blackstone participated in a kindness project to make a card to deliver with their parents to one of their own neighbors. Pictured are students from Mrs. Wixom and Mrs. Tolley's classes with their cards. We hope everyone in our community that got a card enjoyed this kind deed from our students!
over 1 year ago, Mendota #289
Mrs. Wixom's Kindergarten Students
Mrs. Tolley's 1st Graders
Here are the October breakfast and lunch menus. So many great meals this month!
over 1 year ago, Elyssa Albers
Mendota 289 Spiritwear is now available. Check out the links below to place an online order with 4M graphics. Blackstone: Lincoln: Northbrook:
over 1 year ago, Elyssa Albers
Congratulations to the winners from our first Paw Pride reward assembly! These lucky students had their names drawn to win prizes for their great behavior.
over 1 year ago, Mendota #289
Kindergarten Winners
1st Grade Winners
Friday, September 15th will be Purple and Gold Spirit Day - Dress in your best purple and gold spirit wear to celebrate Mendota High School Homecoming.
over 1 year ago, Elyssa Albers
Congratulations to the following students for being nominated for the principal award this week: Ava Porter, Cerenity Moss, Arianna Arteaga, Ophelia Bronski, Merakim Riniker, Graham Phillips, Callan Jordan and Addyson Fahr. The students who were chosen as winners were Gus Eich, Kaitlyn Castaneda, Jonas Landeros and Allias Francis. Congratulations!
over 1 year ago, Mendota #289
Click on the link below to see the Principal Weekly Report for August 28th-September 1st.
over 1 year ago, Mendota #289
We hope everyone has checked out all of the delicious options sent home on the Puffin Pastry Fundraiser form. Order forms and money are due by September 8th. Funds raised will be used for some really great student prizes for our positive behavior assemblies at all three school this year.
over 1 year ago, Elyssa Albers
Be on the lookout - Puffin Pastry order forms will be coming home with your child today!
over 1 year ago, Elyssa Albers
Puffin Pastry
Blackstone Weekly Report Stacy Kelly, Principal August 25th, 2023 We have just completed our first full week back to school. We’ve had a very smooth start to the year. The students are making new friends, meeting staff, learning rules and practicing procedures. It’s great to have everyone back in the building and ready to have a fantastic year! We have a few new staff members at Blackstone this year. They are off to a great start and are already a part of our Blackstone family. We welcome the following new staff members: Abby Fancher (speech), Ashley Bain (special education), Tanya Milus (paraprofessional) and Erin Riordan (paraprofessional). Vicki Tolley has moved from a paraprofessional to a first grade teacher this year. Welcome new staff members! I would like to thank the many community members and businesses who have recently donated school supplies to our students in need at Blackstone. The students were so excited to receive their new supplies. We appreciate this support! Download the Mendota #289 app from the App Store or Play Store for district and school news, events, announcements, menus, etc. Rooms is the parent-teacher chat that is fully integrated into our district app so you have one app for everything Mendota #289. Parents should expect an email invite from edurooms to gain access. We encourage all of our parents to get access to this app as it will be used on a regular basis from the district, school and teachers.
over 1 year ago, Mendota #289
Blackstone School is currently scheduling incoming kindergarten student readiness screeners. The screeners will take place on June 26th-June 29th at Blackstone. If you have a child coming to kindergarten in August, please call our office at 815-539-6888 to schedule a 20 minute appointment for next week for this screener. It is mandatory for all incoming kindergarten students to have the readiness screener completed before we can add them to a class list.
over 1 year ago, Mendota #289
Monday is Field Day. Please have your child wear their Field Day shirt if they bought one. We will have a picnic lunch. If your child does not want the hot dog lunch, please send a cold lunch. Students will get a grilled hot dog, a bag of chips, cookies and juice. No hot lunch trays will be served from the cafeteria on this day. Students should wear tennis shoes. Please consider putting sunscreen on your child before coming to school. It will be hot! Mrs. Gallagher has adjusted some of the games due to the heat. A couple of the rotations will include coming into the building throughout the day to do the activity in the air conditioning. Students will also be given water breaks and a cool treat. We're looking forward to a great day on Monday!
almost 2 years ago, Mendota #289
L.E.A.S.E. will be holding free preschool screenings at First United Methodist Church, 100 E. Sixth St. Mendota on Tuesday, April 11th in the morning. You may make an appointment by calling Jean at 815-433-6433. The screenings are for children who are 3 or 4 years old. L.E.A.S.E. will screen key developmental areas such as motor development, speech, language, vision, hearing and general readiness. All children must be screened to be considered for the Mendota District #289 Preschool Program. If your child is currently enrolled in the Mendota District Preschool for All Program, he/she does not need to be screened again. Applications for Mendota District #289 Preschool will be at the screenings. The applications and screenings will be reviewed by the preschool team, and you will be contacted as to whether your child qualifies for preschool. Mendota Elementary District#289 offers three need-based programs for three and four year olds: One is a Developmental Program for students who qualify for Special Education Services due to a significant delay in one or more areas and two PreSchool for All Programs that are funded through a State Grant and have specific qualifiers as “need-based” programs.
almost 2 years ago, Mendota #289
**Menu Change** Monday (2/27) and Tuesday's (2/28) menu days have been flip-flopped. Monday will now be Chili Cheese dogs and Tuesday will be chicken.
about 2 years ago, Mendota #289