Reminder that there is no school for Mendota #289 students on Tuesday, November 8th.
Recordatorio de que no hay escuela para Mendota #289 estudiantes en martes 8 de noviembre.
Red Ribbon Week Thursday was Hawaiian Day!!!
Here are some of the cool photos from the schools.
Red Ribbon Week posts continued....Wednesday was Hats and Boots Day.
We had so much fun we forgot to post and share. Check out these hats and boots!
It’s Trivia Week for Northbrook’s Spartan SMART! Here are our baskets available in our raffle…tickets may be purchased by calling the office, stopping and purchasing a ticket, or coming to Trivia Night!
Good Luck!!
Tuesday 10/25 was Day 2 of Red Ribbon Week here at Mendota Schools. Theme was Jeans....Check out some of the pictures.
Northbrook had MPD in to help hand out bracelets to students.
Day One of Red Ribbon Week is in the books. Take a look at some photos capturing the fun Neon/Bright Colors Day from all 3 schools.
Next week October 24-27 is Red Ribbon Week here at Mendota 289! The schedule of themes is posted in the attached flyer. Friday October 28 is No School, enjoy the 3-day weekend!!!
Posting another reminder Parent Teacher Conferences are next week on Oct 24th and 26th from 3:30-7:00 pm. This is for all 3 buildings Blackstone, Lincoln, and Northbrook. Please contact your school if you have any questions
Blackstone: 815-539-6888
Lincoln: 815-538-6226
Northbrook: 815-539-6237
Reminder tomorrow is the final day to submit Club's Choice orders. All orders need to be submitted by tomorrow Tuesday October 18th!
Recordatorio mañana es el último día para los Pedidos de Club's Choice. ¡Todos los pedidos deben enviarse antes de mañana martes 18 de octubre!
Just a heads up.....This is the last weekend for Club's Choice sales. All sales need to be finalized by Monday October 17th.
Attention: Monday October 24th and Wednesday October 26th is Districtwide Parent/Teacher Conferences from 3:30-7:00 pm. Please come meet with your child's teacher and share in the positives that we experience each and every day!
Great News the Spirit Wear sale has been extended until Monday October 17th!!!!
The links are listed here:
This is a REMINDER and call to reserve your table for our Annual Spartan SMART Trivia Night. November 4th 6 pm at the Mendota ELKS.
Cost is $10 a person or $100 a team of 10 people. If you don't have a team we can most definitely accommodate you. To reserve your spot email Ms. Daley, Mr. Burdette, Mrs. Perryman
Attention families tomorrow Thursday 10/6 will be Homecoming Day wear Purple and Gold. Friday 10/7 will be School Spirit Day wear school colors.
This is district wide! Happy Homecoming Week.
Heads up M289 parents and families Oct 6 is officially the kick off for our Club's Choice. The kids will be coming home with flyers Thursday! If you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out to us by email or call your local school Blackstone 815-539-6888, Lincoln 815-538-6226, Northbrook via District 815-539-7631.
Sharing Spirit Wear one more time for those of you interested in purchasing some new attire.
REMINDER: Lincoln and Northbrook picture day is tomorrow Wednesday 9/28!
REMINDER: Picture Day is literally around the corner!
Blackstone TOMORROW 9/27
Lincoln WEDNESDAY 9/28
Northbrook WEDNESDAY 9/28
It's Here Spirit wear...Click the following links for the appropriate building of your choice.
District M289
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