Bi-Annual Bond Sales February 7, 2025
Last month, the Board of Education held a hearing for the sale of $3.6 million in Working Cash bonds. This continues the recent two-year cycle of selling bonds. Most recently, the District has used these funds for facility projects such as: air conditioning and other HVAC projects, security measures such as entrances and door replacement, classroom and hallway modernization and gymnasium renovation.
This last round of bond sales will be used, among other things, to finish updating the HVAC systems at Blackstone and Northbrook. These should be the last significant HVAC projects for decades to come!
The presentation for the Bond Hearing can be found at this LINK.
The final vote for the Bond Sale will be at the regular meeting on February 20th.
Please reach out with any questions that you may have by dropping me a note at
Be safe. Be well.
K. Bradley Cox
Superintendent of Schools