Red and White M289 News

District Budget September 24, 2024

Last week, the Board of Education adopted the financial budget for this 2024-2025

school year. This year, we are budgeted to put $0.99M in the bank. This budget includes

an extensive new English Language Arts curriculum. We have also added a full-time ESL

position at Lincoln to support our English Learners. In the past, Blackstone and Lincoln

have split a social worker to socially and emotionally support students, but we have

added another social worker this year to help kids grow.

At the end of the school year, we are estimating a total fund balance of $9.21M, which is

very much in line with the $8.55M that we had at the end of the 2020-2021 school year.

In that time, we have completed roughly $10M in facility updates, most notably in the

areas of heating/cooling, building safety/security, and overall functionality. Of that ten

million dollars spent, half of that was State and Federal grant money!

I will attach the budget presentation from last week. (Budget Presentation)

Please reach out with any questions that you may have by dropping me a note at

Be safe. Be well.

K. Bradley Cox

Superintendent of Schools