MTSS & FastBridge
What is MTSS?
MTSS (multi-tiered system of support) is a process designed to help schools focus on high quality interventions that are matched to student needs and monitored on a frequent basis.
The information gained from the MTSS process is used by school personnel and parents to adapt instruction and to make decisions regarding the student’s educational program.
Fastbridge is an online series of tests that the district uses three times a year to gather data on a student's progress. This helps us identify areas of strength and also targets for growth.
What If My Child is Having Difficulty With
Academics or Behavior in School?
Contact your child’s teacher and ask about MTSS.
Discuss with your child any concerns you and/or the teacher have regarding academics or behavior.
For More Information Contact Your Child’s Principal:
Blackstone School- Stacy Kelly (815)539-6888
Lincoln School- Dr. David Lawrence (815)538-6226
Northbrook School- Paula Daley (815)539-6237